Vendor and supplier enquiries

We always wanted to buy new products from new suppliers. In the interest of your time, and the time of our buyers, we recommend that you review the following buying specification worksheet:

  • High-quality merchandise guaranteed by our suppliers to maintain Global Supply Solutions Ltd reputation.
  • No seconds.
  • National brands where feasible.
  • Where national brands do not reflect optimum quality and value, private label will be considered.
  • Private-label merchandise specification guaranteed by our suppliers to maintain Global Supply Solutions Ltd reputation.

Item presentation should always represent lowest possible acquisition price. Item presentations should include a breakdown of all built-in costs, demos, spoils, advertising and marketing volume, rebates, and opening deals.

A complete freight evaluation of all methods of product distribution should be included in each presentation:

  • FOB manufacturing plant / distribution centre.
  • Delivered to our customers.
  • Our preferred method of payment is Bank Transfer
  • Packaging is to be environmentally friendly,and must comply with E.U. and UK packaging regulations.
Product Categories
  • Technology Products
  • Home Appliance
  • Outdoor & DIY
  • Medical & Wellbeing
  • Business & Office Supply

Global Supply Solutions Ltd expressly prohibits the acceptance by any Global Supply Solutions Ltd employee of any gratuity from a vendor with whom we are currently doing business or whom we are considering for future business.

Purchasing Quotes

We expect all vendors to consistently and voluntarily quote the lowest possible acquisition price available on all items. A vendor who does not consistently and voluntarily quote its lowest prices to our buyers will be permanently discontinued as a purchasing source for Global Supply Solutions Ltd

Contact Us

Become a Supplier / Vendor

  • Global Supply Solutions Ltd
  • 152-160 City Road, London EC1V 2NX United Kingdom
  • Tel : 44 (0) 203 693 3919